Dwarf Bean Plants

Dwarf Bean Plants

With Mr Fothergill’s dwarf bean plants, you can grow your own delicious vegetables in any outdoor space. Thanks to their compact growth habit, dwarf beans don’t require support structures and will thrive in small gardens. They can even be planted in pots on your patio or balcony!

Wonderfully easy to grow and maintain, dwarf beans are the perfect choice for beginners and busy urban gardeners. Our carefully selected dwarf bean plants guarantee prolific yields of tender, flavourful pods. Choose from traditional green varieties, like the delicious RHS Elba, or explore colourful cultivars such as the golden-yellow Sonesta. Browse our complete range of dwarf bean plants below.


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27 products

David Domoney, Get Growing Dwarf BeanDavid Domoney, Get Growing Dwarf Bean
3 for 2 on Seeds
Dwarf (French) Bean Cala D'Or
3 for 2 on Seeds

Sale price£3.49
Dwarf (French) Bean Castandel
3 for 2 on Seeds

Sale price£4.39
Dwarf Bean Amethyst Seeds
3 for 2 on Seeds

Sale price£4.39
Dwarf Bean Borlotto di Vigevano nano Seeds
3 for 2 on Seeds
Dwarf Bean Fandango Seeds
3 for 2 on Seeds

Sale price£4.49
Dwarf Bean Ferrari Seeds
3 for 2 on Seeds

Sale price£4.39
Dwarf Bean Polka Seeds
3 for 2 on Seeds

Sale price£3.49
Dwarf Bean Purple Queen Seeds
3 for 2 on Seeds
Dwarf Bean Purple Teepee Seeds
3 for 2 on Seeds
Dwarf Bean Rondo Seeds
3 for 2 on Seeds

Sale price£4.39
Dwarf Bean Stanley Seeds
3 for 2 on Seeds

Sale price£4.39
Dwarf Bean Tendergreen Seeds
3 for 2 on Seeds
Dwarf French Bean ElbaDwarf French Bean Elba

Sale price£9.95
Dwarf French Bean Nautica
3 for 2 on Seeds

Sale price£3.49
Dwarf French Bean Sonesta AGM (Early Despatch) Vegetable PlantsDwarf French Bean Sonesta AGM (Early Despatch) Vegetable Plants
Dwarf French Bean Sonesta AGM (Late Despatch) Vegetable PlantsDwarf French Bean Sonesta AGM (Late Despatch) Vegetable Plants
Dwarf French Bean Velour (Early Despatch) Vegetable PlantsDwarf French Bean Velour (Early Despatch) Vegetable Plants
Dwarf French Bean Velour (Late Despatch) Vegetable PlantsDwarf French Bean Velour (Late Despatch) Vegetable Plants
French (Dwarf) Bean Organdi Vegetable Seeds
3 for 2 on Seeds
RHS Dwarf (French) Bean Elba Vegetable Seeds
3 for 2 on Seeds
Sold out
Dwarf (French) Bean Mascotte Vegetable Seeds
3 for 2 on Seeds
Sold out
Dwarf (French) Bean Tendergreen
3 for 2 on Seeds
Sold out
Dwarf Bean Calgary Seeds
3 for 2 on Seeds

Sale price£3.89
Sold out
Dwarf Bean Delinel Seeds
3 for 2 on Seeds

Sale price£4.49
Sold out
Dwarf Bean Flagrano (Flageolet) Seeds
3 for 2 on Seeds
Sold out
Dwarf French Bean Red Swan
3 for 2 on Seeds

Sale price£3.99

Why Choose Our Dwarf Beans?

Home-grown French beans have a delightfully crunchy texture and fresh flavour that you just won’t find in shop-bought offerings. They’re delicious in warm salads, stir-fries, and casseroles, or simply steamed and served as a side.

Dwarf French beans, also known as bush beans, are much more compact than climbing beans. They make excellent container gardening vegetables, producing an excellent harvest without taking up much space. They’re also fast to crop, especially when sown indoors before planting out. 

With so many delicious varieties to choose from, we have the perfect dwarf bean plants for every taste. Pair them with other compact vegetables, like cherry tomatoes and baby carrots, for a small yet productive kitchen garden.

Order Our Dwarf Beans Today

Here at Fothergill's, we believe that growing your own vegetables should be simple, fun, and rewarding for everyone. All of our seeds and plants are carefully selected for top-quality crops and high germination rates – 100% satisfaction guaranteed. 

Explore our fantastic range of dwarf bean seeds today and take the first step towards your own seed-to-table adventure. Order now for fast UK delivery from just £2.45.