After planting, water your bulbs in. Camassia bulbs generally don’t require watering too often, thanks to autumn showers. Once summer comes around, you can begin to water them more regularly, but as we mentioned earlier, it’s important not to waterlog the soil.
When it comes to tidying up your display, avoid cutting back any foliage until it has visibly yellowed - This can affect next year’s growth, and you can make use of these dead leaves to feed next year's bulbs! We also recommend deadheading your Camassia to keep on top of your display and avoid self-seeding, maintaining the health of your blooms.
You may also want to consider applying a mulch to your flower bed during the winter months to protect your Camassia plants from the frost.
Pests and Diseases
You’ll be glad to know that Camassia plants are resistant to most common diseases and don’t attract any serious pests. As with all of your plants, however, you should keep an eye out for slugs, snails and aphids!