Now that you’ve got your plants in the ground, the next step in growing wallflowers from seed is to give them the love and attention that they deserve! There are a number of ways that you can keep on top of the well-being of your wallflowers, so let’s go into a little more detail, shall we?
When it comes to watering your wallflowers, bear in mind that they thrive in moist soils but will struggle in a waterlogged environment. During warmer, dry periods, keep on top of watering to keep your wallflowers nice and hydrated.
Whilst wallflowers don’t exactly need extra feeding, you can offer them mulch in order to help retain moisture within the soil and ward off weeds.
Wallflowers can grow pretty tall, so offer them some support by staking your plants. This keeps them upright and prevents possible damage that heavy winds could have. Not only does staking benefit their health, but it also maintains the appearance of your gorgeous floral displays.
Another great way to maintain both the health and appearance of your wallflowers is to regularly deadhead them. Deadheading can lengthen the flowering period of your wallflowers and prevent them from setting seed.
A welcome addition to any cut flower garden, wallflowers look stunning displayed in vases around the home - particularly with other spring flowering plants like daffodils.