Author: Chris Parlour

How to Stop Tulips Drooping

Tulips are a stunning way to liven up your living space and bring the beauty of the outdoors indoors. But what should you do when even your tulips seem to be lacking that life that you’re looking for?

As beautiful as they are, these flower plants are also known for their likelihood of drooping - making your floral arrangement appear limp and lacklustre. But worry not! You can still enjoy decorating your living room, dining room or kitchen with tulips from your cut flower garden without them slouching like a fed-up teenager.

So, let’s get to it. Without further ado, here is how to stop tulips drooping in your vase!

Why Are My Tulips Droopy?

If your tulips look like they’re in a bad mood, it’s probably because they are! We’ve all experienced the dreaded feeling of being ‘hangry,’ and so have your tulips. So, if you’ve come home to find your once full-of-life tulips drooping, the chances are that they’re dehydrated!

So, the quickest way to maintain the health of your tulips is to make sure that they’re well-fed and in view of sunlight! But what are some other tips and tricks for how to stop tulips drooping?

Keep Them Watered

Tulips are a relatively low-maintenance plant, but that’s no excuse to neglect them! They may be independent, but you’ll find that your tulips really appreciate fresh, cold water. Fresh water works to reduce any bacterial growth, whilst cold water keeps the stems nice and firm.

Cut Stems at an Angle

In order to maximise the amount of water getting to your tulips, cut your stems at an angle to increase the surface area of absorption in the stems. If you notice that your tulips begin to droop again, don’t be afraid to give them a little trim, taking off around an inch and maintaining that 45-degree angle in the stem.

Make Them at Home in their Vase

Choosing the right vase is important! In order to keep your tulips nice and firm, home them in a straight-sided vase to maintain their shape. Like all flowers, tulips require sunlight to stay healthy. You might have noticed your plants in the past reaching for sunny areas of the garden or windowsill! Be sure to rotate your vase regularly, ensuring that all sides of the plant have access to the sun. This way, your tulip plants should maintain their original shape and continue to reach upwards.

The Newspaper Method

Read all about it, read all about it! One of our favourite tips for how to stop tulips drooping is hot off the press. Before putting your tulips into a vase, we recommend wrapping them in newspaper and allowing them to sit in water for a few hours. The paper helps to enforce a shape over your tulips, holding them upright as they hydrate themselves in the vase.

The Pin Method

I like to think of this method as the face-lift of the drooping tulip. If your tulips begin to droop, a nifty tip is to put a pin through the tulip’s stem and into the head of the plant to quite literally prop your flowers up. This, combined with regular maintenance, can give your flowers an undeniably vibrant and lively look.

Shop Tulips at Mr Fothergill’s

What are you waiting for? Your growing journey starts right here at Mr Fothergill’s! Shop our fantastic range of tulip flower bulbs and tubers today, and let us help you bring the outdoors indoors!

If you have any further questions about how to stop tulips drooping or have any curiosities about any of our other products, don’t hesitate to contact us or take a deeper dive into our gardening blog!